
Wild Thought Experiments in Physics Set to Advance Quantum Computing

Scientists have used the famed "Schrödinger's cat" thought experiment to come up with a way to remove errors from future quantum computers. The new method encodes quantum information onto an antimony atom, which has eight possible states that enable data to be more safely stored than in a standard two-state qubit, or quantum bit.

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Wild Thought Experiments in Physics Set to Advance Quantum Computing
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    Schrödinger's Cat breakthrough could usher in the 'Holy Grail' of quantum computing, making them error-proof

    Schrödinger's Cat breakthrough could usher in the 'Holy Grail' of quantum computing, making them error-proof

    Errors in quantum computers are an obstacle for their widespread use. But a team of scientists say that, by using an antimony atom and the …

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