Is this the best way to stop the spread of malaria? Throughout human history, wars, battles and conflicts are thought to have resulted in the deaths …
Mosquitoes Are Annoying and Deadly. Should We Kill Them All?
Given that mosquitoes are so deadly, should we just kill all of them? And if we were to take such a drastic measure, what would the consequences be?
A species of mosquito from Central and South America has spread to South Florida. An invasive mosquito species from Central and South America has …
As you pack your bags for the cottage or campground this weekend, don't forget to bring light clothes with long sleeves — and a truckload or two of …
Does that make them easier to swat? Nothing feels more like summer than a neighborhood barbecue, especially following the dreary winter months. But …
Some people can sit outside all summer long and not suffer from mosquito bites. Others turn into an itchy mess despite bathing in DEET and never …