A math problem delineating the largest-size sofa that can fit around a corner has finally been solved, though it may not help you move. Twenty-five …
Mathematicians May Have Uncovered the Perfectly Shaped Sofa
Twenty-five years too late to help Ross get his new couch into his apartment in "Friends," a mathematician has finally solved the pesky "sofa problem."
The largest known prime number has been discovered, smashing the previous record by more than 16 million digits. The largest known prime number has …
"Life isn’t chess, a game of perfect information, one that can in theory be 'solved.' It's poker, a game where you're trying to make the best …
A U.S. computer storage company has calculated the irrational number pi to 105 trillion digits, breaking the previous world record. The calculations …
Scientists created a maze-like fractal inspired by the movements of chess pieces. The ultra-difficult maze could help to improve our understanding of …