We all hold in farts from time to time, but where does the gas go? Imagine being on a first date when you feel the need to toot your own horn — that …
Debunking Body Myths: The Truth About Farts, Splinters, Digesting Gum & More
Imagine being on a first date when you feel the need to toot your own horn — that is, pass gas. The average person releases about 0.5 to 1.5 liters (0.1 to 0.4 gallons) of gas a day. Most of these farts are odorless, but it's rarely acceptable to take the chance and break wind. Whether in the workplace or with friends, we all clench our cheeks from time to time.
People who sneeze in bright lights, like the sun, may have autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst syndrome, or ACHOO. When you step …
Gum is full of non-food items, like resins, emulsifiers and softeners. So what happens when we swallow a piece? As kids, we were warned not to swallow …
Leaving a splinter in the skin can cause inflammation, infection and permanent bumps in the skin, medical experts said. If you’ve ever had a splinter …
It's not just an old wives' tale: Staring at the sun for too long can permanently damage detailed vision, evidence suggests. Today (April 8), the sun …