Slippages in sediment beneath the Antarctic seabed could spawn gigantic tsunamis as oceans warm. Climate change could unleash gigantic tsunamis in the …
Climate Meltdown: Study Warns of Massive Tsunamis From Antarctic Landslides
Climate change could unleash gigantic tsunamis in the Southern Ocean by triggering underwater landslides in Antarctica, a new study warns. By drilling into sediment cores hundreds of feet beneath the seafloor in Antarctica, scientists discovered that during previous periods of global warming — 3 million and 15 million years ago — loose sediment layers formed and slipped to send massive tsunami waves racing to the shores of South America, New Zealand and Southeast Asia.
The Maud Rise polynya has been sporadically opening up in Antarctica's ice since at least the 1970s. Now climatologists finally know why. Scientists …
Antarctic sea ice has been disappearing over the last several summers. Now, climate scientists are wondering whether it will ever come back. Look out …
Sea ice extent in Antarctica is vital for keeping ice on the continent and sea levels low. But its dwindling extent could mean the continent has …
These deep ocean tides supply almost half of the world's oceans with vital nutrients and oxygen, but melting ice shelves are slowing them down. Deep …