Alexander Shatov / Unsplash LinkedIn's value proposition to B2B marketers, thought leaders and industry analysts is clear. Many native LinkedIn …
How LinkedIn is Becoming A Destination for Creators
LinkedIn is in the process of successfully transforming its perception as merely a professional networking site into a destination for creators. More LinkedIn users are taking on the role of creators and sharing content connected to their interests and passions, while more traditional creators are expanding their digital footprint on LinkedIn. Here's a look at the ways creators is supporting creators and how creators of all sizes can leverage Linkedin.
LinkedIn / Newsletter Page AnalyticsLinkedIn has started rolling out updates for Newsletters. Through a new Newsletter Analytics Page, creators can …
LinkedIn has added the ability for creators to export single post analytics for various types of content, such as short-form posts, images, videos, …
LinkedIn has introduced new tools and features, including increased visibility for verified users, Custom Buttons on posts and in search, an updated …
LinkedInLinkedIn has added a new feature, Brand Partnerships Search, which allows users to search for posts by LinkedIn creators who have been tagged …
LinkedInLinkedIn has rolled out a Brand Partnership label. When crafting a post, creators can toggle on this label to indicate they have been …
LinkedInLinkedIn has recently announced several new product updates, including the introduction of Thought Leader Ads. This new ad format allows …
LinkedInLinkedIn is reportedly developing a shared analytics feature for Creator Mode. This feature would allow creators to share their analytics …
LinkedIn shared new updates for Activity on profiles. Activity will now show dedicated sections for each content type: Posts, Comments, Videos, …
LinkedIn has added a new "Starred" option for its inbox feature. Creators can now mark important conversations in their LinkedIn inbox with a star …
Lindsey Gamble/LinkedInA few months ago, LinkedIn announced that it would be discontinuing certain features, including Carousels, Profile Videos, and …
LinkedIn announced new tools and features to help creators grow their audience.
LinkedIn now allows creators to showcase a link on their profile. With Creator Mode enabled, users have the option of adding a link at the top of …
Alexander Shatov / UnsplashLinkedIn's value proposition to B2B marketers, thought leaders and industry analysts is clear. Many native LinkedIn …
LinkedIn announced Daily—a personalized, immersive, short-form video experience designed to help people learn from LinkedIn instructors and experts …
LinkedIn will soon introduce a new feature that will display newsletters users subscribe to on their profile for others to see, in the same way as …
In the latest edition Building LinkedIn, Tomer Cohen, Chief Product Officer at LinkedIn, unveiled several new features for LinkedIn Newsletters. What’s …
LinkedIn has announced new AI features, including a tool that provides users with personalized writing suggestions for their profiles. Powered by …
Collaborative Articles are a new type of article that combines AI-powered conversation starters and prompts with community perspectives and …
LinkedInLinkedIn has announced a series of updates to Creator Mode set to roll out in the coming months. These updates will include:• Removing the …
LinkedInLinkedIn has expanded the capabilities of its Thought Leader Ads. This ad format was introduced in July and allowed companies to sponsor …
Screenshots: Austin Null | Mock Up: Lindsey GambleLinkedIn is doing a limited beta test of a dedicated short-form video experience on the iOS mobile …
LinkedIn / Subscribe to newsletterLinkedIn has added a 'Subscribe to Newsletter' call-to-action (CTA) option for Custom Buttons. This feature lets …
LinkedIn / Community Top VoiceLinkedIn is retiring its Community Top Voice badges—gold badges awarded to users who frequently contributed to …
Lindsey Gamble / LinkedInLinkedIn has made some slight changes to ‘Videos for You,’ its carousel of short-form videos that appears in users' …
Lindsey Gamble / LinkedIn Breaking NewsLinkedIn added a ‘Breaking News’ label to stories in LinkedIn News, the section of the app that highlights top …