Linda SheardPhotographer Stephen Shore, interview: Instagram, Andy Warhol and the America most people can’t seeThe Telegraph - Mick BrownThe photographer Stephen Shore has two little dogs that he walks every day, lead in one hand, camera in the other. The thing with dogs, he says, is that, as you walk them, you're often looking down. “So I'm multitasking: walking my dogs and making art at the same time.” Shore's daily perambulations …
Linda SheardHow to Pose Men Who Are Not - Michael ZhangAustralian fashion, portrait, and lifestyle photographer Julia Trotti made this helpful 11.5-minute video that provides tips and tricks for …
Linda SheardKim Aldis and his Brilliantly Understated Moments of Life. On Street Photography - Street - Sergio BurnsHis background is impressive. He has, in a word, ‘always’ been out there, pushing time and space around to create art. Initially as an assistant …
Linda SheardThis Leica MP "John Botte" Took Two Years to Makeverified_publisherHYPEBEAST - Jeff YeungNow up for auction. A custom Leica MP “John Botte” camera has been listed for sale at the upcoming Leitz Photographica Auction. The camera belonged to …
Linda SheardHere's a Common Photography Mistake: Shooting Everything from the Same Height (VIDEO)verified_publisherShutterbugDo all your photos have a certain sameness to them? That could simply be because you're shooting everything – portraits, landscapes, action – from …