Illustration: Ryan Melgar Black hair is love. Black hair is power. Black hair is sacrifice. The seemingly simple choice to shape it as we choose is a …
Jeffrey Wright arrived at the Academy Awards ceremony last night with a look that was groomed for the gods. The star of American Fiction—for which he …
5. They got dookie in ’em You’ve seen the science abstracts and reports that beards have something called “fecal matter” in them. You know what that …
The second season of Atlanta, subtitled “Robbin’ Season,” captured a distinct type of psychological horror: the larceny of life itself. Throughout …
6. LeBron James Granted, his hairline has a tendency to ebb and flow like a California shoreline. But Bron has come a long way since the gigantic …
6. “Wow, I didn’t even recognize you!” Really, Dan? Of all of my identifying features — not to mention the full name that appears on my Zoom window — …
You never forget that first pang of rejection. It’s a feeling akin to taking a medicine ball to the chest, a slap of rubbing alcohol on a freshly cut …
Black hair’s prosperity relies on threat avoidance. The climate, your pillowcase, and even one’s own fingers can betray the goal of optimal hair …
4. Stocking cap The sheer audacity to leave home with some scissored-up pantyhose on your dome. Unless you wanna look like someone’s resourceful uncle …
Photo Illustration. Source: @willnotwilly Less than two minutes into the video, William Humphrey is doing his best Whitney Houston impression. Well, …
Once upon a time, there was the straight razor, and lo it was… fine. Sure, it was better than the sharpened flints and shells that kicked off the …
Chrome that dome and stay nick-free, word to Mariah Lather up You definitely want a good-quality shave cream, but rubbing in a little pre-shave oil …
Don’t stress the packaging; #hairgoals are unisex Organic conditioner Your sweet pea’s conditioner is probably the most accessible product in the …