My #sheros and superwomen on my chest helped get that flat guy behind me to space. Thanks @pacalin for beautifully showing, our no longer @hiddenfiguresmovie , how to get #STEAM done. Thanks @sumrtime for making it happen. Buy a tee to support the legacy of @makerswomen #katherinejohnson #dorothyvaughan and #maryjackson to help inspire our future Explorers like @astrostarbright. Godspeed on the journey. 🚀👩🏾‍💻👩🏽‍🚀
Avatar - Leland Melvin

Leland Melvin flipped this story into The Explorer2562d

My #sheros and superwomen on my chest helped get that flat guy behind me to space. Thanks @pacalin for beautifully showing, our no longer @hiddenfiguresmovie , how to get #STEAM done. Thanks @sumrtime for making it happen. Buy a tee to support the legacy of @makerswomen #katherinejohnson #dorothyvaughan and #maryjackson to help inspire our future Explorers like @astrostarbright. Godspeed on the journey. 🚀👩🏾‍💻👩🏽‍🚀