Marriage Currents 6/14 cover image
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Lavern Nissley

Marriage Currents 6/14

Easy to read posts of current stories, research, stats, tips, quotes and more about marriage and relationships. Most recent posts appear first. Compiled by Lavern Nissley, Executive Director of Marriage Resource Center of Miami Valley in Springfield, Ohio.,

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Most recent stories in Marriage Currents 6/14

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    How American parenting is killing the American marriage

    How American parenting is killing the American marriage

    Sometime between when we were children and when we had children of our own, parenthood became a religion in America. As with many religions, complete unthinking devotion is required from its practitioners. Nothing in life is allowed to be more important than our children, and we must never speak a …


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    Lavern Nissley
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Marriage Currents 6/14

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