MaynardDo You Live to Work or Work to Live? Your Answer Can Reveal What’s Holding You Back in Work–and Lifeverified_publisherInc Magazine - Justin BarisoLearn about the personality trait of conscientiousness and how it affects your chances at success. Which of the following resonates more with you: Would you say that you live to work? Or, that you work to live? Here’s another question: What does “good” work look like to you? Is it structured and …
Maynard73 Alexander the Great Quotes on Success, Life and WisdomParade Magazine - Vanessa Hall'Each moment free from fear makes a man immortal.' Alexander III of Macedon is regarded as one of, if not the greatest military strategists and …
MaynardHow to Find Your Passion in Life - InfluenciveInfluencive - by John ReileyEveryone has heard of that famous quote from Benjamin Franklin, The harder I work, the luckier I get? I’m here to tell you that it’s not true. If you …
Maynard5 Key Secrets to a Life of Self-Fulfillment - InfluenciveInfluencive - by Jordan FrenchWe are taught that as soon as something starts going right in your life something else will inevitably start to fall apart. While there will always …
MaynardThese 6 Apps Track Your Habits With Minimal - Danny MaiorcaWhen I started my self-improvement journey in 2019, a handful of apps made it easier to track habits like going to the gym. They also helped keep me …
MaynardThe Power of Will: Bouncing Back From Setbacksverified_publisherInc Magazine - Bernard ColemanHow to turn adversity into opportunity. Coming back from a setback often requires recovering lost terrain. It can feel demoralizing to concede that you lost ground and now have to work doubly to regain what you lost and then move beyond that point. First, you have to get centered and seek composure. …