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Jim Wesberry


Old Age is getting older as life expectancy extends but it has more trials and tribulations than opportunities and triumphs.

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    Aging speeds up 'massively' at two points in one's lifetime, Stanford study finds: ‘Abrupt changes’

    Aging speeds up 'massively' at two points in one's lifetime, Stanford study finds: ‘Abrupt changes’

    Aging may not be quite as gradual as it seems. A new study from Stanford University in California has revealed that there are two periods when aging seems to accelerate. These two spurts tend to occur around age 44 and again at age 60, the study found. In the study, 108 participants ranging from 25 to …

  • “While annuities do not promise immortality, they do promise and provide income for life. When coupled in America with another key source of income, Social Security, they can ensure financial peace of mind for a lifetime.”
    We have had a two person lifetime annuity plus Social Security in effect since we retired 21 years ago. It is one of the best decisiones we ever made. - JW

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    Jim Wesberry
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    Jim Wesberry
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