AvatarJames DotsonThe gathering force of Trump's religious oppositionRNS - Mark Silk(RNS) — We are seeing the beginnings of an interfaith protest movement the likes of which we haven’t seen since the March on Washington. (RNS) — …
AvatarJames DotsonEvangelicals Made a Bad Tradeverified_publisherThe Atlantic - By Peter WehnerHitching the evangelical wagon to Donald Trump has meant unhitching it from the life and teachings of Jesus. In his inaugural address on Monday, Donald Trump declared himself God’s chosen instrument to rescue America. He recalled the assassination attempt he survived last year: “I was saved by God …
AvatarJames DotsonInauguration week was a collision of two ChristianitiesRNS - Shane Claiborne(RNS) — Between the Christianity of Trump and the Christianity of Christ, we recognize the widest possible difference. (RNS) — The controversy around …
AvatarJames DotsonIs Donald Trump a Messiah? Evangelical Pastors Say He Isgreekreporter.com - Christopher GomezA large number of Evangelical pastors view President Donald Trump as a present-day messiah, likening him to the Biblical King Cyrus.Messiah …
AvatarJames DotsonGERMANY: Gospel According to Saint HitlerTIMEGerman booksellers did roaring business last week when there appeared on the market an antiSemitic, Nazified version of The Gospel According to St. John, adapted from Martin Luther’s standard German translation of the Bible. This was big news for Nordic churchgoers, because the man responsible for …
AvatarJames DotsonCulture Is Everywhere. Use It to Point to Christ.thegospelcoalition.org - Dennis GreesonLike fish in water, we’re immersed in culture in ways we don’t realize. Christians talk about culture as something “out there” in the world that …