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Inspiring Mompreneurs


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  • I recently discovered the Pretty and Punk Podcast and I'm hooked!

    Parentpreneurs iLdiko Ferenczi and Dan Caldwell tackle entrepreneurship and kids in a fun way as a couple.

    Get the lowdown and some helpful tips in the latest post on Inspiring Mompreneurs.

    #entrepreneurship #parentpreneurs #prettyandpunk #podcast #entrepreneurshipandkids https://inspiringmompreneurs.com/entrepreneurship-and-kids

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    Inspiring Mompreneurs
  • My first official podcast! Woohoo! Heartfelt Thanks to Clarissa Kristjansson Ph.D FRSA, the Mindful Menopause Coach, for inviting me as a guest on A Little Breathing Space Podcast. What fun! #firstpodcastinterview #alittlebreathingspace #menopause #midlife #mindfulmenopause #mindfulnesscoaching #mindfulmenopausecoach

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    A Little Breathing Space (Podcast)

    A Little Breathing Space (Podcast)

    Share this: Super excited to announce that I was interviewed by Clarissa Kristjansson yesterday on her lovely Podcast, A Little Breathing …

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