S M Nazmul SumonTraditional phytotherapy for inflammatory diseases in Jacobpuram Panchayat of Radhapuram Taluk in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, Indiainnspub.net - M. Anowar RazvyTraditional medicine based on herbal remedies has always played a key role in the primary health care system of our country. In India the native …
S M Nazmul SumonSurvey of Sthalavrikshas and its indigenous uses in the selected temples of Agasteeswaram Taluk of Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, Indiainnspub.net - M. Anowar RazvyThe tradition of associating trees with gods and goddesses in Tamilagam can be traced back to Sangam literature, which is full of references to more …
S M Nazmul SumonEuphorbia hyssopifolia L. (Euphorbiaceae): New addition to the flora of Rajasthan, Indiainnspub.net - M. Anowar RazvyThe present paper deals with botanical description and new distributional records of Euphorbia hyssopifolia L., which belongs to the family …
S M Nazmul SumonDiversity and abundance of insects found on okra Abelmonchus esculentus cultivation in Man, Côte d’Ivoireinnspub.net - M. Anowar RazvyAbelmonchus esculentus is an important source of vitamins and minerals. However, okra plants were damaged by insect pests. This study carried out to …
S M Nazmul SumonEmergency dispatch information systeminnspub.net - M. Anowar RazvyThis study aimed to develop an Emergency Dispatch Information System in the city government of Dapitan City. This study utilized the developmental …
S M Nazmul SumonThe odyssey of Gigolos in southern Philippines: Perks and drawbacksinnspub.net - M. Anowar RazvyThe study delved into the life stories of gigolos in the twin cities of Southern Philippines. The study sought answers on the experiences of the …