Holly SmithAstrophysicists make observations consistent with the predictions of an alternative theory of gravityphys.org - University of BonnAn international team of astrophysicists has made a puzzling discovery while analyzing certain star clusters. The finding challenges Newton's laws of …
Holly SmithPhysicists confirm hitch in proton structurephys.org - Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator FacilityNuclear physicists have confirmed that the current description of proton structure isn't all smooth sailing. A new precision measurement of the …
Holly Smith6,000-year-old skull found in cave in Taiwan possibly confirms legend of Indigenous tribephys.org - Bob YirkaA team of researchers with members from Australia, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam found a 6,000-year-old skull and femur bones in a cave in a mountainous …
Holly SmithFlipboardIcon version of the Flipboard logoArchaeologists Have Found the Fabled Temple to Poseidon Recorded in the Greek Historian Strabo’s Ancient Encyclopediaartnet.com - Vittoria BenzineIn Geographica, the ancient Greek historian describes the sanctuary to the sea god as a critical center of religious and ethnic identity for the …
Holly SmithThe Universe Is Not Locally Real, and the Physics Nobel Prize Winners Proved Itscientificamerican.com - Daniel GaristoOne of the more unsettling discoveries in the past half a century is that the universe is not locally real. In this context, “real” means that …
Holly SmithArchaeologists Find Underwater Salt Kitchens of the Ancient Mayaverified_publisherGizmodo - Isaac SchultzNow below sea level, the workplaces and settlements were vital sites of salt production. Recent excavations of submerged Maya salt kitchens off the …