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Ike Pigott

F00d P0rn

The meat's going to be naked and nearly raw, the desserts delectable. Preferably served with romantic lighting and a 70s funk soundtrack.

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  • The answer is "NO."

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    Are Veggie Chips or Straws Healthier Than Potato Chips?

    Are Veggie Chips or Straws Healthier Than Potato Chips?

    If you’re trying to sneak more vegetables into your—or your kid’s—diet, swapping regular potato chips for veggie chips or sticks may seem like a healthy substitution. But nutrition experts say some of these ostensibly good-for-you snacks are just junk food in disguise. “Those veggie sticks are super …

  • Yes. https://alabamanewscenter.com/2019/04/06/bacon-pimento-cheese-bites?sfns=mo

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    Ike Pigott
  • https://www.facebook.com/100000276165792/posts/2412165635469285?sfns=mo

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    Ike Pigott
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