To a lot of folks, some of the best fall memories include raking and jumping in huge piles of leaves, before squeezing them into bags and placing …
Mowing with a mulcher is better for your lawn and better for the environment. Plus why do people find leaf blowers irritating, leaf blowing and the law and more about fall lawn care.
Ah, the sounds of autumn. For some, they are so satisfying — a bite into a crisp apple, the crunch of fallen leaves. For others, the sounds that …
Key Takeaways Leaf-blowing laws vary, but, generally, leaves are a "natural product," meaning if your neighbor’s leaves end up in your yard, they …
Key Takeaways To streamline the process of bagging autumn leaves, mow over them with a mulching mower, which can help convert the leaves into …
Enthusiastic snowball fights in winter or lazy summer days at the beach notwithstanding, autumn might be the most beloved season of them all. Every …
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