Have you ever been about to perform, only to have someone tell you to break a leg? That might sound strange — or even a bit harsh. After all, who …
Why We Say 'Break a Leg' Instead of 'Good Luck'
More About Etiquette & Languages
Let's talk about an expression you've probably heard before: "rule of thumb." This phrase is a handy way of saying, "Here's a general guideline that …
Ever been in a situation where you didn't have a set plan and just had to figure things out as you went along? That's when you might decide to "play …
If you've ever been to brunch after a night of too much celebrating, you've probably heard about using the "hair of the dog" to cure your queasiness. …
Ah, the humble cup of joe — our reliable morning sidekick. It's hard to imagine a time when coffee didn't cost half your paycheck or come with a …
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