Key Takeaways The Batagaika crater, located in Siberia, is a massive, expanding depression in the Earth's surface, formed due to permafrost thaw. • Its …
Siberia's Batagaika Crater Just Keeps Growing, and That's Not Good
It's known as the "Gateway to Hell" and while it might not actually get you there, what it will unleash if it keeps thawing could truly be hellish.
More Geology
In 2010, a woolly mammoth carcass was discovered in Siberia near the coast of the Laptev Sea. Nicknamed "Yuka," the long-extinct beast died around …
Imagine walking through a dusty, arid landscape when you stumble upon a seemingly ordinary rock. Its rough exterior might not catch the eye, but what …
Key Takeaways The Thwaites Glacier, often dubbed the "Doomsday Glacier," is rapidly melting, contributing significantly to global sea level rise with …
If someone asked you what the largest desert in the world is, what would your answer be? If you answered the Sahara Desert that answer is partially …
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