The English language is awash with sayings and phrases that cover everything from new beginnings ("back to square one") to endings ("kick the …
10 Common Sayings You're Probably Saying Wrong
The English language is full of commonly misused phrases. Read along to see how many you misuse in your daily life.
Other Comonlly Misused Phrases
Key Takeaways "Jury-rigged" refers to a clever temporary solution, whereas "jerry-rigged" refers to something that was poorly constructed in the first …
Key Takeaways The phrase "in a pickle" dates back to 1562, meaning in a spot of trouble. • Shakespeare used "pickle" to mean "drunk," possibly …
Sometime in the late 19th century, people began using the word "semantics" to allude to "semiotics," a philosophical theory covering the relationship …
Key Takeaways "Holy cow" is a minced oath used to avoid swearing, likely substituting "cow" for "Christ." • The phrase dates back to at least 1913 in …
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