
The Shatter-Proof Way A Former Barista Stores Her Coffee Mugs

You've probably experienced this before: While reaching for a coffee mug early in the morning, it slips out of your hand and shatters on the countertop. Well, this doesn't have to be a risk anymore. While keeping your mugs in an upper cabinet may feel like an unspoken rule, this just isn't the case.

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The Shatter-Proof Way A Former Barista Stores Her Coffee Mugs
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    The Shatter-Proof Way A Former Barista Stores Her Coffee Mugs - House Digest

    The Shatter-Proof Way A Former Barista Stores Her Coffee Mugs - House Digest

    You've probably experienced this before: While reaching for a coffee mug early in the morning, it slips out of your hand and shatters on the …

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