In 216 BC, Hannibal led his troops to stunning victory against the Romans in the Battle of Cannae. This clash took place during the Second Punic War, …
The slaughter at Cannae: Rome's worst defeat
In 216 BC, Hannibal led his troops to stunning victory against the Romans in the Battle of Cannae. This clash took place during the Second Punic War, a conflict between the Roman Republic and Carthage. At the time, Hannibal was leading the Carthaginian forces, while the Roman army was commanded by Lucius Aemilius Paulus and Caius Terentius Varro...
After the dust had settled following Hannibal’s victory at the Battle of Cannae and the Roman dead lay strewn across the battlefield, Hannibal …
Information about the history of emperors, senators, patricians, plebeians and conquered peoples of the republican and imperial Roman world.