
The Ionian Revolt: How a rebellion sparked the Greco-Persian Wars

In 499 BC, a widespread revolt among the Greek cities of Asian minor against the mighty Persian Empire would be the trigger for one of the most epic conflicts in the ancient world. After years of heavy taxation and oppressive rule, the Ionian Greeks were willing to fight and die for their freedom and autonomy...

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The Ionian Revolt: How a rebellion sparked the Greco-Persian Wars
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    The Ionian Revolt: How a rebellion sparked the Greco-Persian Wars

    The Ionian Revolt: How a rebellion sparked the Greco-Persian Wars

    In 499 BC, a widespread revolt among the Greek cities of Asian minor against the mighty Persian Empire would be the trigger for one of the most epic …

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece

    Magazine by History Skills

    Information about the history of the peoples of ancient Greece, Crete, Macedon, Mycenae and the Hellenistic world founded by Alexander the Great.

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