
The fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of Pompeii the life of Emperor Titus

Titus was the Roman emperor from AD 79 to 81. He was the son of the previous emperor, Vespasian, who was the founder of the Flavian dynasty, and succeeded his father as emperor after his death. Titus is best known for his military campaigns in Judaea and his capture of the city of Jerusalem in AD 70...

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The fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of Pompeii the life of Emperor Titus
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    The fall of Jerusalem, destruction of Pompeii, and birth of the Colosseum: the life of Emperor Titus

    The fall of Jerusalem, destruction of Pompeii, and birth of the Colosseum: the life of Emperor Titus

    Titus was the Roman emperor from AD 79 to 81. He was the son of the previous emperor, Vespasian, who was the founder of the Flavian dynasty, and …

    Ancient Rome

    Ancient Rome

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    Information about the history of emperors, senators, patricians, plebeians and conquered peoples of the republican and imperial Roman world.

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