
Daughters, wives, mothers: Life for women and girls in ancient Rome

Women have always played pivotal roles in society, though these roles have varied widely based on cultural norms, societal expectations, and historical context. In ancient Rome, a civilization known for its vast empire, groundbreaking legal system, and influential arts, women's roles were quite complex...

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Daughters, wives, mothers: Life for women and girls in ancient Rome
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    Daughters, wives, mothers: What was life like for women and girls in ancient Rome?

    Daughters, wives, mothers: What was life like for women and girls in ancient Rome?

    Women have always played pivotal roles in society, though these roles have varied widely based on cultural norms, societal expectations, and …

    Ancient Rome

    Ancient Rome

    Magazine by History Skills

    Information about the history of emperors, senators, patricians, plebeians and conquered peoples of the republican and imperial Roman world.

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