Maybe you've heard people say, "I'm tired because I have a thyroid problem." Or, "I see an endocrinologist because I have thyroid issues." But how …
15 Things Your Thyroid Can Affect
The thyroid is a small gland, but it helps coordinate many of your body's activities from metabolism and weight to hair thickness and sweating.
January is Thyroid Awareness Month. Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in your neck. But don’t let the delicate description fool you. …
For more than 25 years, Deborah Norville, 65, has been on screen in living rooms across America as the host of the popular show Inside Edition, among …
January is National Thyroid Awareness Month. Medically reviewed by Dr. Uzma M. Siddiqui. In the United States, approximately 20 million people have …
Who'd have thought such a tiny gland in your neck could affect so many aspects of your life and health and sometimes cause so much trouble? This …
We all likely know someone who has something not quite right with their thyroid. The thyroid is a small gland that is butterfly shaped and located at …
Sometimes, you can blame your weight gain on eating too much and not exercising enough. But other times, you can blame your thyroid. If you have …