David Johnstonflipped into This Planet Is Worth Fixing - Heal This RockReddish Green Polly Colonies - Heal This Rockhealthisrock.com - DayvoHumorously describing the colour-changing ability of “pollies” in response to political pressure and environmental misconceptions
David Johnstonflipped into This Planet Is Worth Fixing - Heal This RockHELEcoalfiredenergygoogle.comAustralia has never been able to accept that technology improves over a 50-year period for some strange reason. Even with some of the world's most …
David Johnstonflipped into This Planet Is Worth Fixing - Heal This RockHELE Coal Fired Power Plants - Heal This Rockhealthisrock.com - DayvoThe advancements and benefits of High Efficiency Low Emissions coal-fired power plants, emphasizing their efficiency & very low emissions
David Johnstonflipped into This Planet Is Worth Fixing - Heal This RockProblematic Polly-Ticks Outbreak - Heal This Rockhealthisrock.com - DayvoHumorously critiquing Australian politics, particularly the Lai-Bore Polly-Ticks, using satire to discuss political dynamics & energy policy
David Johnstonflipped into This Planet Is Worth Fixing - Heal This RockAdvanced Nuclear Power Technologies - Heal This Rockhealthisrock.com - DayvoDiscussing the advancements in nuclear power technology, including uranium extraction, reactor operations & the recycling of nuclear waste
David Johnstonflipped into This Planet Is Worth Fixing - Heal This RockHome - Heal This Rockhealthisrock.comHome - Heal This Rock Critiquing human impacts on Earth, highlighting environmental issues and proposing drastic lifestyle changes needed to heal this …