
Idiots Who Changed The Course Of History

We've all been there. We've all felt the slow burn of realization that comes when it finally becomes clear we've done something horribly wrong. Take solace in this: Whatever you did, you probably didn't change history for anyone but yourself.

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    • Ancient Europe
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    • Ancient History
Idiots Who Changed The Course Of History
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4 stories in this Storyboard
    Idiot Mistakes That Changed The Course Of History

    Idiot Mistakes That Changed The Course Of History

    These people changed the world on a grand scale, so large that it's still felt today. They changed the fate of entire nations, started a chain reaction that led to countless deaths, and sometimes, their mistakes led to centuries of persecution and racial hatred.

    Wars Started Over Ridiculously Petty Reasons

    Wars Started Over Ridiculously Petty Reasons

    Countless wars have been fought throughout human history, and they usually start for the same reasons: either someone wants to take someone else's resources, or it's a religious thing, or both. Once in a while, though, people go to war for reasons that are even more obtuse, bizarre, and downright idiotic. Here's a look at some actual wars that were started over ridiculously petty reasons.

    The Word Idiot Meant Something Totally Different In Ancient Greece

    The Word Idiot Meant Something Totally Different In Ancient Greece

    "You're an idiot." "That's idiotic." "What an idiot!" Or what a moron, imbecile, dunderhead, big ole' dumb-dumb, and so forth. Yes, English is full of fun terms that mean roundabouts the same thing. Apparently, there were lots of idiots in our collective past, or just a great need to insult folk because we've got loads of subtly nuanced ways to differentiate between pejorative designations for the same caste of an individual: The idiot.

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