AvatarGreg JohnsonMoodle Releases K-12 Edition of LMS -- THE Journalthejournal.com - By Dian SchaffhauserMoodle Releases K-12 Edition of LMS Moodle has introduced new fee-based packaging versions of its cloud-based learning management system intended …
AvatarGreg JohnsonAce of All Trades: New Research Looks at Evolving Field of Instructional DesignEdSurge - Marguerite McNealThey lurk behind the scenes of a rapidly growing number of courses at colleges and universities, yet instructional designers are an elusive bunch. …
AvatarGreg JohnsonFlipboardIcon version of the Flipboard logoComment on What teachers want in a data dashboard by apasseducationeschoolnews.com - apasseducationPerhaps the smartest statement in this article is when Amber Teaman says, ““It needs to be teacher-friendly…If it requires entering information and …
AvatarGreg Johnson10 Programming Languages That Will Keep You Employed | InformationWeekinformationweek.comCurtis Franklin Jr. is Senior Editor at Dark Reading. In this role he focuses on product and technology coverage for the publication. In addition he …
AvatarGreg JohnsonThe 2016 Honor Roll: EdTech’s Must-Read K-12 IT Blogsedtechmagazine.com - by D. Frank Smith Google+ Twitter Frank is a social media journalist for the CDW family of technology magazine websites.Looking for direction in the ever-expanding world of education technology? You don't have to look hard to find education bloggers. But who are the …
AvatarGreg JohnsonTo Make Data Work in the Classroom, First Make It Easier for Teachers to UseEdSurge - Karen JohnsonTo get a solid understanding of her students' progress, Elizabeth Doggett needed to look no further than her laptop. As a teacher at Summit Public …