Goyo AmbrosioRussian Hackers Use Malware That Can Survive OS Reinstallsverified_publisherPCMag - Michael KanSecurity firm ESET discovered the powerful malware, dubbed Lojax, infecting a victim's PC and suspects that it came from the Kremlin-linked hacking …
Goyo AmbrosioHackers can steal data from the enterprise using only a fax numberverified_publisherZDNET - Charlie OsborneFax machines are still widely used by businesses and a communications protocol vulnerability is leaving them exposed to cyberattacks. Fax machines may …
Goyo AmbrosioDeepLocker: How AI Can Power a Stealthy New Breed of Malwareverified_publishersecurityintelligence.comCybersecurity is an arms race, where attackers and defenders play a constantly evolving cat-and-mouse game. Every new era of computing has served …
Goyo AmbrosioHacking macOS: How to Remotely Eavesdrop in Real Time Using Anyone's MacBook Microphonewonderhowto.com - tokyoneonGoogle, Amazon, and Facebook are always listening. But what's worse? Hackers are listening, too. Windows PCs are particularly vulnerable, but with a …
Goyo AmbrosioDetenido el 'cerebro' de centenares de ciberatracos a bancos que sustrajo más de 1.000 M.vozpopuli.com - Europa PressLa Policía Nacional, en un operativo coordinado por Europol y la Fiscalía Especializada de Criminalidad Informática, han detenido en Alicante a un …
Goyo AmbrosioLa privacidad del trabajador, por encima de la protección de la propiedadinvesting.com - EFEMaría Vicente Madrid, 18 mar (.).- La irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito laboral ha creado situaciones de conflicto en las que la …