Gert Brouwer Why believes AI will change radio foreververified_publisherFast Company - BY Robert SafianThe musician and entrepreneur shares his philosophy about AI development on the latest episode of the “Rapid Response” podcast. Radio inspired’s career. Now, the musician and entrepreneur is eager to innovate on the dying medium with, a new interactive AI model. Will shares his …
Gert Brouwer Meet LoudMe — a free AI music generator that can make you a whole song in secondsTom's Guide - By Nigel PowellAnother day, and another AI music maker hits the market. However LoudMe is more than just a simple music generator, it comes with some interesting …
Gert Brouwer Spotify is full of AI music, and some say it's ruining the platformverified_publisherFast Company - BY Chris Stokel-WalkerBands like Jet Fuel & Ginger Ales are raising eyebrows—and racking up streams. Artists have long criticized Spotify for its meager royalties system and its questionable content moderation practices. Now artists must contend with an entirely different problem: increased competition from AI-generated …
Gert Brouwer Anyone Can Now Remix a Song With AI, but Should You? - Garling WuYou can use AI to remix a song with the click of a button, but the results are about as inspiring as staring at a beige-colored wall. Instead, seek …
Gert Brouwer Künstliche Intelligenz: Googles neue Text-zu-Musik-KI komponiert ganze Songs inklusive Gesang; Hier anhö - JensGoogle arbeitet in vielen Bereichen mit der Künstlichen Intelligenz, die längst nicht nur Zusammenhänge erfassen und auswerten soll, sondern auch …