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Andy Marshall

Foto Frisson

Photography that makes me flip: curated by @fotofacade

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    50 Inventions From The Past That Were Amazingly Innovative

    50 Inventions From The Past That Were Amazingly Innovative

    When you think of a vending machine, things like snacks, sodas, or even pharmaceutical supplies may come to mind. But you might be surprised to know …

  • I came face to face with a 500 year old knight and he taught me how to see...

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    Andy Marshall's Genius Loci Digest: 29 Nov 2024

    Andy Marshall's Genius Loci Digest: 29 Nov 2024

    Thanks for coming along I'm an architectural photographer. I travel around Britain interacting with special places. I work from my camper van called …

  • Now available worldwide as a 'digital print' - More via the link: A few years back I stood outside Wells Cathedral for a full day and photographed the impact of the light on the front facade. I was amazed at the outcome - at how a single entity could morph and change under the changing light.

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    Avatar - Andy Marshall
    Curated byAndy Marshall

    Live visual content stream of travelling architectural photographer @fotofacade

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