2014 冬季奧運會 cover image

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2014 冬季奧運會

俄羅斯索契 · 2014.2.7-23

2,786 Viewers38,490 Page flips14,385 Followers53 Stories

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    flipped into The Olympics
    The Oddities of Olympic Park

    The Oddities of Olympic Park

    SOCHI, Russia — Snicker all you like at the well-publicized oddities and spectacular expense of these Winter Games, but give it up for the train that delivers visitors to Olympic Park. A digital sign on the platform at the next-to-last stop says that it will arrive at 1:14 and leave at 1:15, and it …

  • http://www.thenewslens.com/post/26110/

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2014 冬季奧運會

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