From first-edition books to family heirloom jewelry to baseball cards, you could turn these valuable collectibles into extra cash.
These Valuable Collectibles Could Make You a Small Fortune
Do you have vintage toy collections from when you were a kid? Is your dining room filled with collectibles passed down from your grandmother? If you’ve got any of these items lying around, get ready to cash them in instead of letting them collect dust.
From comic books to handbags, here are 14 items that can be worth some big bucks if you choose to sell them.
Those of us who haunt garage sales, flea markets, estate sales, and online auctions know, sometimes find something that’s worth a small fortune.
That bin of Barbies could kickstart your retirement nest egg.
Unearth the goldmine in your vinyl collection with these 8 records that could make you a fortune.
While many write off costume jewelry as cheap, chintzy, and gauche, these pieces can make you big money in the secondhand market.