Exceptional PortfolioWhy the US Is Buying Up So Many UK Artificial Intelligence Companiesverified_publisherVICE - By Nicole KobieAutonomy, DeepMind, SwiftKey, VocalIQ. Each are British artificial intelligence and machine learning startups bought by US tech giants—HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple, respectively. And they’re hardly the only ones. Alongside growing VC funding in AI, US tech firms are snapping up British-founded …
Exceptional PortfolioEntrepreneurial Googlers are quitting and launching their own companies out of Google's startup spaceverified_publisherBusiness Insider - Sam SheadWorking at Google is seen by many as the dream job, with more than two million people applying for a job at the internet giant each year. Today, Google employs thousands of people in London, working on everything from Google Maps to Android Wear. But some of them are leaving to get a taste of …
Exceptional PortfolioTim Cook's internal memo to all Apple employees on the company's fight against the FBIverified_publisherBusiness Insider - Rob Price and Rob PriceApple CEO Tim Cook has sent a memo to all employees explaining why the company is resisting an FBI request to decrypt an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. The memo was obtained by BuzzFeed's John Paczkowski. In it, Cook says the FBI should withdraw its demand to have the Cupertino, …
Exceptional PortfolioJustice Department Calls Apple’s Refusal to Unlock iPhone a ‘Marketing Strategy’verified_publisherThe New York Times - By Eric Lichtblau and Matt ApuzzoWASHINGTON — The Justice Department, frustrated by its inability to unlock the iPhone of one of the attackers in the San Bernardino killings, demanded on Friday that a judge immediately order Apple to give it the technical tools to get inside the phone. Apple’s refusal “appears to be based on its …
Exceptional PortfolioRead Apple CEO Tim Cook’s Letter Challenging Order to Unlock iPhoneTIME - Alex FitzpatrickApple CEO Tim Cook is challenging a federal court order demanding his company help investigators unlock an iPhone used by an assailant in a recent deadly attack. The Cupertino, Calif. firm’s response sets up a battle that could provide a high-profile stage for a long-simmering debate over …
Exceptional PortfolioAfter Losing His Wife to Cancer, Google Exec Jeff Huber Will Lead DNA Testing VentureMIT Technology Review - Antonio RegaladoJeff Huber’s wife died of colon cancer. As the head of Grail, he is on a mission to develop a kind of blood test that could have saved her. A senior …