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Edward Whishaw

Popularis Politica

Popular Politics: A layman's view of modern British and International political issues

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    Iceland’s Banned TV Christmas Advert... Say hello to Rang-tan. #NoPalmOilChristmas

    Iceland’s Banned TV Christmas Advert... Say hello to Rang-tan. #NoPalmOilChristmas

    You won't see our Christmas advert on TV this year. But we want to share our 'No Palm Oil' story with you this Christmas. Say hello to Rang-tan.

  • https://t.co/mAWFixkmDJ

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    Edward Whishaw
  • https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-hunt/british-pm-may-appoints-jeremy-hunt-new-foreign-minister-idUSKBN1JZ2MO

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    Flipboard UK
  • http://www.apnewsarchive.com/2018/French-President-Emmanuel-Macron-warns-the-U-K-that-a-future-trade-deal-with-the-European-Union-after-Brexit-won-t-give-full-access-to-the-European-single-market-and-financial-service/id-64f0157091704835b7d24184f45eb0db

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    Associated Press
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