eaemerhiflipped into BiodiversityMagazineMedical Science, Health, Nutrition & Supplements AvatarCurated byTricia Simms
eaemerhiflipped into Vegetarian DishesMediterranean Lemon Roasted Beets Recipe Is Easy & Delicious (6 Ingredients)30seconds.com - Elisa SchmitzIf you think you don't like beets, you're not alone. Beets are one of those vegetables that you either love or you don't. My husband loves beets, so …
eaemerhiflipped into Social MediaLinkedIn Has A Few AI Features For Users To Try (And Here's How To Use Them)slashgear.com - Emma StreetLinkedIn has recently introduced a new AI Hiring Assistant tool, which, according to its website, will "take on a recruiter's most repetitive tasks …
eaemerhiflipped into SCHOOL AND LEARNINGStoryboardAre You Using AI Wrong? Here's How You Should Be Using It.Curated byAppAdviceThe number of available AI tools continues to expand at a rapid pace. While AI can help with a wide variety of everyday tasks, having the write prompt to input can make a world of difference.
eaemerhiflipped into Social MediaThis Secret Emergency Button On Your iPhone Can 'Protect Your Privacy,' Stop Stalkers From Tracking You, And Hide Photo Access: 'Quickly Protect Your Info'SHEfinds.com - Lisa CupidoYour iPhone can keep you safe from stalkers — but you have to be aware of the one setting that can help you in you’re ever in a jam. There’s a secret …