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Doreen Raimondi

Doreen Raimondi is a determined individual who has always known that she wanted to help others. Growing up, she was heavily involved in extracurricular activities and was an exceptional student in the classroom. After studying finance, economics, and international business at the State University of New York College at Brockport, Doreen pursued a career in emerging technology in the business world.



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    Doreen Raimondi

    By Doreen Raimondi



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    Doreen Raimondi
    flipped into Doreen Raimondi
    The Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals

    The Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals

    The Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals is a nonprofit organization that provides networking opportunities, educational programs, and …

  • https://doreenraimondi.com/2023/01/11/9-health-issues-every-woman-should-consider/

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    Doreen Raimondi