There are few things cuter than a contented kitty taking a nap when its tail starts to wag or thump up and down. Videos of this adorable behavior …
Why Does Your Cat Wag Its Tail When Lying Down?
There are few things cuter than a contented kitty taking a nap when its tail starts to wag or thump up and down. Videos of this adorable behavior abound on popular social media sites, and owners are left enthralled and filled with an unrelenting love for their pet. But a wagging tail is usually something we associate with dogs, not cats. So why do cats wag their tails while lying down?
Have you ever noticed your cat staring deeply at a blank space—or responding to a sound that you can’t hear? Could it be that they’re sensing a …
Who doesn’t love it when their cat lies on their back? It’s surely a sign of being ultra calm and relaxed around you, right? It’s also extremely …
Despite their often apathetic attitudes, cats love to keep entertained by chasing things around. Even with dozens of cat toys at their disposal, it’s …
Is there a ghoulish ghosty hovering in your kitchen corner just beyond your sight? Some people believe that cats are staring at spirits when they …
Many owners of a cat have lamented the dreaded claw and bite that came out of nowhere. It’s the reason you can spot a cat owner by simply looking at …