Cats are peculiar and fascinating creatures. Some of their affectionate habits, such as your kitty’s soft purrs, are easy for us to understand …
Reasons Your Cat Stares at You That Might Surprise You
Cats are peculiar and fascinating creatures. Some of their affectionate habits, such as your kitty’s soft purrs, are easy for us to understand however, other behaviors can be more confusing. Like what does it mean when a cat stares at you?
It’s one of the sweetest sights…one kitten leans into another and begins to lick its fur. As cute as we think this behavior is, there is practical …
We all love our adorable felines — from their purrfect little stares to their rough, bristled tongues that lick us as though we’re a tasty snack. But …
Cats have a reputation for being stand-offish and often disinterested. But this reputation can often be very wrong. I have a Siberian cat Alexei and …
When my Siberian cat Alexei licks me, I take it as a sign of love. However, when he quickly follows the licking with a bite, I think he might feel …