Further consolidation as Dialpad acquiresHighfive https://consent.yahoo.com/v2/collectConsent?sessionId=3_cc-session_94eb4821-fd86-4581-b38a-16703c1fe20c
Darren Gallagher
Atos worker, people data and things nurturer, husband, father - lover of technology that solves problems , the other kind ... not so much.
Zoom seems to be a little inflexible https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2020/8/24/21399515/zoom-down-outage-virtual-school
Rob Scott of UC Today speaks with Nicolas Brunel of ALE.
Darren Gallagherflipped into Cloud CollaborationDave Michels and Zeus Kerravala's new short form news video - very cool keep it up gentlemen.
Darren Gallagherflipped into Cloud Collaboration