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Deborah Bird Haralson and 7 others

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  • Avatar - Deborah Bird Haralson
    See Bitnami's Twitter profile.

    See Bitnami's Twitter profile.

    Didn't find the application you were looking for? Help us decide the next Bitnami images and Helm charts we will package for you

  • It was interesting to find out about apple getting involved in the cloud. "Apple introduced CloudKit, a new set of integrated in the iOS SDK designed to make life easier for developers of mobile applications by eliminating the need to write code on the server side." It clames that with this "developers will no longer need to rely on third party service like Microsoft Azure, Google or Amazon Cloud Platform Web Services."

    Avatar - Capri Spazzle
    Apple’s CloudKit is the MBaaS Answer to AWS and Azure Cloud Services – Cloud Times

    Apple’s CloudKit is the MBaaS Answer to AWS and Azure Cloud Services – Cloud Times

    Among the flurry of news announced during the WWDC event by Apple as part of its annual developer conference, there were over a very interesting …

  • Amazon has another option for enterprises that want to share and store files online. Amazon Web Services has opened it's Zocalo service to general availability.

    Avatar - Capri Spazzle
    Capri Spazzle
  • This article i found on defined Cloud computing as "Services where anyone can build and run their own online software without setting up their own hardware" It talked about how Cloud computing continues to innovate and new products and services are being created. The big complaint was that when you are with a vendor you have to do everything their way.

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    A Sneak Peek at the Next Wave in Cloud Computing

    A Sneak Peek at the Next Wave in Cloud Computing

    The world of cloud computing is a complicated place. But Lucas Carlson boils it down to simple analogy: Amazon is the Apple of cloud computing. What …

  • This was from a Magazine that i had never heard of before called Service Technology. It talked in detail about the past, present and future of cloud computing. The "brief history" was partially interesting. According to the article there was "roots" going back to the 1960s. Douglas F. Parkhill made predictions about the computer industry that are in effect today.

    Avatar - Capri Spazzle
    Capri Spazzle
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