Debbie KinardOct 28, 2022A Brilliant MIT Professor Shared 10 Simple Rules That Will Teach You How to Give a Great Speechverified_publisherInc Magazine - Justin BarisoHow much would your life change if people valued all of your ideas? In a recorded lecture that’s been viewed over 13 million times, MIT professor Patrick Winston takes a deep dive into how to be a better speaker. He explains that your success in life depends on your ability to speak, your ability to …
Debbie KinardNov 5, 2022Infographics Next Level—Adobe InDesign - Dirk PetzoldCreate screen presentations with eye-catching infographics using these fully customizable templates. If you’re looking for a way to make your screen …
Debbie KinardSep 10, 2022How People With High Emotional Intelligence Use the ‘TED Talk Techniques’ to Become Super-Persuasiveverified_publisherInc Magazine - Bill Murphy Jr.Why are people with high emotional intelligence so charismatic and persuasive? Sometimes, it’s because of a series of hard-to-see techniques they use without even realizing. But, once you know what you’re looking for, you can’t stop seeing them. It all has to do with three things: prompting laughter, …
Debbie KinardNov 19, 2022Your success will be determined by 3 things. Here's how to get better at eachverified_publisherFast Company - BY Justin BarisoThe quality of your ideas is important. Even more important: being able to communicate those ideas effectively. Before he died, beloved MIT professor Patrick Winston regularly gave a fascinating and deeply compelling lecture to university students about the value of good communication. In his …
Debbie KinardSep 17, 2014This Is it: Your Ultimate Public Speaking Cheat - The Muse EditorsThere’s a lot of advice out there about how to give a great talk. And—let’s face it—when you’re already panicked about public speaking, reading …
Debbie KinardDec 9, 2022The Best Public Speakers Put the Audience Firstverified_publisherHarvard Business Review - Deborah Grayson RiegelDecember 9, 2022 Martin Barraud/Getty Images Being an exceptional public speaker is about much more than making an attention-getting introduction, giving great eye contact, and knowing what to do with your hands. It’s about addressing what your listeners want and need to hear — not what you want to …