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A Splintered Mind - ADHD & Depression Resources

Mental health related links — eclectic, informative, entertaining — http://douglascootey.com

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Most recent stories in A Splintered Mind - ADHD & Depression Resources

  • "I am extremely thankful that I did not take my life." - Michael Phelps shares his struggle with #depression and #suicide.

    Take time to get help. Phelps wishes he hadn’t put it off for ten years.

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    Michael Phelps: ‘I am extremely thankful that I did not take my life’

    Michael Phelps: ‘I am extremely thankful that I did not take my life’

    CNN — Far from the familiar waters of an Olympic pool, swimmer Michael Phelps shared the story of his personal encounter with depression at a mental health conference in Chicago this week. “You do contemplate suicide,” the winner of 28 Olympic medals told a hushed audience at the fourth annual …

  • Pregnant women should avoid #ADHD meds like alcohol & smoking — Use of certain stimulants shown to increase birth defects in babies https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-adhd-pregnancy-defects/adhd-drug-tied-to-heart-defects-in-babies-idUSKBN1EU1ZY

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  • Sleep apnea has been shown to increase the risk of heart attacks, and now Alzheimer’s. Who knew sleeping was so dangerous? https://consumer.healthday.com/cognitive-health-information-26/alzheimer-s-news-20/sleep-apnea-may-boost-alzheimer-s-risk-728391.html

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  • https://t.co/5JzUylhv1S?ssr=true

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A Splintered Mind - ADHD & Depression Resources

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