
Inside the seedy, sweaty glamour of Vegas aftershows

Photographer Scarlett Carlos Clarke and make-up artist Grace Ellington have teamed up on a shoot that celebrates the trashy glamour of sweaty, post-show make-up

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    • Makeup
    • Style
    • Las Vegas
    • Photojournalism
Inside the seedy, sweaty glamour of Vegas aftershows
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    These photos capture the seedy, sweaty glamour of Vegas

    These photos capture the seedy, sweaty glamour of Vegas

    There’s nothing more glamorous than the stage – the bright lights, the glitzy costumes, the rapt crowd.

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    Aftershow in Vegas

    Aftershow in Vegas

    DAZED - Dazed

    Photographer Scarlett Carlos Clarke and make-up artist Grace Ellington have teamed up on a shoot that celebrates the trashy glamour of sweaty, post-show make-up

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