Avatar - David Lee EdTech

David Lee EdTech

EdTech Specialist at Singapore American School (Former STEM Coordinator, Design Specialist & ICT Educator)







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    David Lee EdTech
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    15 Podcasts Playing in IDEO Ears Right Now

    15 Podcasts Playing in IDEO Ears Right Now

    In 2016, we posted 15 inspiring podcast recommendations from IDEO designers, and exactly two years later, we’ve built a whole new list. This time, we …

  • Design Thinking in the Classroom (Book): Helps educators teach and model the design thinking process and mindsets to help learners develop into creative, future-ready problem-solvers! I believe the goal of teaching and modeling design thinking is bring student empowerment. It is a great methodology for learners to use when solving meaningful problems and improving real world experiences in project-based learning, STEM, service education, and inquiry-based learning.


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    David Lee EdTech