David LaryChina launches an autonomous mothership full of autonomous dronesverified_publishernewatlas.com - By Loz BlainChina christened a remarkable new 290-foot (88-m) ship last week – the world's first semi-autonomous drone carrier. It'll carry, launch, recover and …
David LaryThree Asian Firms Join Forces to Build the World's First Sea to Air Integrated Droneinterestingengineering.com - Ameya PalejaAiming to tackle high risk tasks in marine environments.
David LaryDrones can now fly through forests at 40kmph — run and hide, humansverified_publisherTNW - Thomas MacaulayIf you’re ever lost in the woods (or on the lam), watch out for high-speed quadcopters following you through the trees. The drones can now fly through complex and unknown environments at up to 40kmph, thanks to a new AI approach developed at the University of Zurich. The quadcopter’s flight lessons …
David LaryThis tech company is aiming to plant 500 billion trees by 2060 – using dronesverified_publisherWorld Economic Forum - Kate WhitingA drone can plant two trees per second, according to UK tech company Dendra, which is aiming to “re-green” the planet. Dendra estimates it would take …
David LaryStoryboardeVTOLs are comingCurated byNew AtlaseVTOLS, or electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, are a new class of clean, quiet, cheap air taxi that promise to fundamentally transform our cities in the coming decades. Here are a few of the latest news stories from stunning experimental designs to billion-dollar deals.
David LaryTurkey’s Baykar preparing shipborne fleet of combat dronesDefense News - Tayfun OzberkMERSIN, Turkey – Turkish drone maker Baykar has released new details about its newest armed drone, designed to launch from ships packed with unmanned …