In today’s article let’s talk again about measurements and tests. One of the fundamental parameters that we always should keep under control in our marine aquarium is, without a doubt, the quantity of phosphates in the water. Checker Hanna HI736 phosphorus ultra low range colorimeter. In today’s article let’s talk again about measurements and tests. […] - English Magazine
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I always loved drop-offs in aquariums. And Federico Lavezzi‘s tank hits you as soon as you enter his house. Spectacular. Store è il negozio dell’amico Walter Parzini, che quest’anno ha partecipato al PetsFestival 2021 con uno stand ampio e molto interessante, dove erano in mostra bellissimi acquascaping e dove si sono tenduti diversi eventi di installazione degli acquari. new dosing pump Versa by Ecotech Marine uses a long lasting pumping system. Wonderful! tested the new product of the Tank Chiller Line, the Teco TK 1000 by Teco with the new r290 coolant. We tested the little brother TK 500 years ago and we are excited that the king is back again. MP40QD – review – is it still the queen of pumps?
Articolo anche in italiano
Finally we have in our hands the queen of the pumps, the Ecotech Marine VorTech MP40QD. Deeply renewed and improved for what concerns its most critical flaw, the noise.