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Vulgariser la neurobiologie

how, with what and why popularizing neurobiology

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    How does anesthesia work? - Steven Zheng

    How does anesthesia work? - Steven Zheng

    View full lesson: When under anesthesia, you can’t move, form memories, or — hopefully — feel pain. And while it might just seem like you are asleep for that time, you actually aren’t. What’s going on? Steven Zheng explains what we know about the science behind anesthesia. Lesson by Steven Zheng, animation by Zedem Media.

  • wow amazing, seing this glia population communicating also, you read weel, not only neurons communicate in the brain !

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  • montrer de véritables images de cerveaux aux #enfants? humains ET animaux? Facile! et CC-BY-CA #vulgarisation

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